Strategic Plan WVU Potomac State College, 2022-2027
I. Primary Goal 1: Increase enrollment by 30% |
a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase new students by 20% |
1. Continue to engage with students at feeder high schools in primary
and secondary recruitment areas
Responsible Group
Enrollment Services (ES) |
2. Enhance social media presence and marketing |
Responsible Group University Relations (UR) |
3. Increase international student enrollment |
Responsible Group ES |
4. Reach out to all WV high school seniors taking SAT |
Responsible Group ES |
5. Promote and enhance Honors Program |
Responsible Group ES and Honors Coordinator |
6. Identify & target specific populations
(i.e. Veterans, non-traditional) |
Responsible Group ES |
7. Increase student-athlete enrollment |
Responsible Group Athletic Director (AD) & ES |
8. Explore the addition of new athletic programs |
Responsible Group
AD and Finance & Operations (F&O) |
b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase retention by 15% |
i. Initiative 1: Increase student engagement |
1. Provide at least 1 activity for students per day throughout the week |
Responsible Group Student Life (SL) |
2. Provide 3 activities for faculty-student interaction per month |
Responsible Group SL & AA |
3. Promote student organizations |
Responsible Group SL & Marketing |
4. Provide training of faculty on best practices to engage students
Responsible Group AA |
5. Create/Enhance learning communities in residence halls
Responsible Group ACS, AA and SL |
6. Create learning communities for commuters |
Responsible Group ACS, AA and SL |
7. Create/Enhance Summer Bridge Program |
Responsible Group AA & SL |
8. Create focus groups to identify strengths and weaknesses
Responsible Group AA & SL |
9. Explore peer mentor programs |
Responsible Group AA & SL |
ii. Initiative 2: Identify and support at-risk students |
1. Create proactive and reactive strategies for all at-risk students
Responsible Group All Units |
2. Academically at-risk students |
a. Utilize Early Alerts |
Responsible Group Faculty & Success Center |
b. Enhance efforts to support students who receive early alerts |
Responsible Group ASC & AA |
c. Add dedicated professional advisor |
Responsible Group AA |
d. Enhance Academic success center interventions |
Responsible Group ASC |
e. Enhance & Promote Writing and Math Center activities |
Responsible Group AA |
f. Create programming for first-generation students |
Responsible Group AA & SL |
g. Enhance support for students on probation |
Responsible Group AA |
3. Behavioral at-risk students |
a. Enhance BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team) |
Responsible Group BIT |
b. Enhance mental health support of students |
Responsible Group Counseling |
c. Host activities for students, faculty and staff related to mental health |
Responsible Group Counseling, AA and SL |
d. Create programming to help prevent anxiety and stress |
Responsible Group Counseling |
e. Train and enlist RAs to identify and assist students with mental health problems |
Responsible Group
Counseling and SL |
4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at-risk students |
a. Promote multicultural room availability |
Responsible Group
SL |
b. Increase services and activities for diverse students |
Responsible Group
SL |
c. Increase programing to educate faculty, staff and students about issues concerning various races, ethnicities and cultures |
Responsible Group
AA & SL |
d. Enhance training for faculty and staff regarding best practices for engaging and supporting a diverse student population |
Responsible Group
AA |
5. Financially at-risk students |
a. Enhance and increase resources including need-based aid for our students, especially non-residents |
Responsible Group
SL & ES |
b. Promote available resources so students are aware of them |
Responsible Group
Marketing |
6. Create focus groups for all at-risk student populations |
Responsible Group
SL & AA |
iii. Initiative 3: Enhance student support services |
1. Increase professional advisors |
Responsible Group
AA |
2. Enhance training of faculty advisors |
Responsible Group
AA |
3. Create assessment measure for advising |
Responsible Group
Academic Standards |
4. Increase/Enhance career services for students |
Responsible Group
AA |
5. Enhance support of online students |
Responsible Group
AA and ACS |
6. Enhance support of student-athletes |
Responsible Group
AD, AA and ACS |
iv. Initiative 4: Enhance support for undecided general studies majors |
1. Create general studies major-only WVUe sections to focus more on career exploration |
Responsible Group
AA |
2. Professional advisor dedicated to general studies majors |
Responsible Group
AA |
3. Explore meta-majors as an alternative to general studies |
Responsible Group
AA |
4. Create programming for undecided majors |
Responsible Group
AA & SL |
II. Primary Goal 2: 70% of graduates will be able
a. Secondary Goal 1: Create an effective assessment measure for soft skills |
Responsible Group
AA |
b. Secondary Goal 2: 70% of graduates will demonstrate effective communication skills |
Responsible Group
AA |
c. Secondary Goal 3: 70% of graduates will demonstrate effective critical thinking skills |
Responsible Group
AA |
d. Secondary Goal 4: 70% of graduates will demonstrate respect & integrity |
Responsible Group
AA & SL |
e. Secondary Goal 5: 70% of graduates will demonstrate resiliency |
Responsible Group
AA & SL |
f. Secondary Goal 6: 70% of graduates will demonstrate global |
Responsible Group
AA & SL |
III. Primary Goal 3: Create a supportive
a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase sense of community for students |
i. initiative 1: Increase student engagement as outlined in primary goal 1 |
ii. Initiative 2: Enhance Welcome Week activities 1. Survey students about what would have been helpful and fun |
Responsible Group
SL |
iii. Initiative 3: Increase/enhance recreation activities |
Responsible Group
SL |
b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase sense of community for faculty |
i. Initiative 1: Add common areas for faculty |
Responsible Group
AA & Facilities |
ii. Initiative 2: Enhance transparency |
Responsible Group
Leadership |
a. Enhance communication between faculty and administration |
Responsible Group AA & Faculty |
iii. Initiative 3: Create mentorship program for new faculty |
Responsible Group
AA |
iv. Initiative 4: Create opportunities for faculty to share successes and discuss/problem-solve concerns |
c. Secondary Goal 3: Increase sense of community for staff |
i. Initiative 1. Create mentorship program for new staff
Responsible Group
F&O |
d. Secondary Goal 4: Create social activities for students, faculty and staff |
Responsible Group
SL, AA and F&O |
i. Initiative 1: Explore coffee shop/grab and go in student union |
Responsible Group
SL |
e. Secondary Goal 5: Increase community connections & partnerships |
Responsible Group
All Units |
i. Initiative 1: Increase internship opportunities by 20% |
Responsible Group
Career Services |
ii. Initiative 2: Create a work group to develop 5 community initiatives
Responsible Group
All Units |
iii. Initiative 3: Identify community academic & programming needs |
Responsible Group
AA |
IV. Primary Goal 4: Increase Fiscal Stability by 50%
a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase enrollment as outlined in primary goal 1 |
b. Secondary Goal 2: Focus resources/marketing based on data regarding student interest and workforce demand |
Responsible Group
Marketing |
c. Secondary Goal 3: Increase employee retention by 20% |
Responsible Group
All Units |
i. Initiative 1: Increase all salaries to a market competitive rate of 90-110% compa ratio |
Responsible Group
Leadership and F&O |
d. Secondary Goal 4: Increase non-tuition revenue by 40% |
Responsible Group
F&O |
i. Initiative 1: Explore market interest to lease/purchase unused, underutilized, or cost-prohibitive assets |
Responsible Group
F&O |
ii. Initiative 2: Increase foundation contributions by 20% |
Responsible Group
Foundations |
iii. Initiative 3: Utilize PSC athletic facilities during off-season to generate revenue |
Responsible Group
F&O and Marketing |
iv. Initiative 4: Increase grant funding by 20% |
v. Initiative 5: Transform assets into recreational areas and revenue generating activities |
Responsible Group F&O & Facilities |
e. Secondary Goal 5: Assess and enhance efficiency of all units |
Responsible Group
F&O and AC in all |
i. Initiative 1: Create and analyze a method to evaluate program viability |
Responsible Group
AA |
ii. Initiative 2: Create and analyze a method to evaluate student life activities |
Responsible Group
SL |
iii. Initiative 3: Create and analyze a method to evaluate marketing |
Responsible Group
Marketing & WVU URES |
iv. Initiative 4: Create and analyze a method to evaluate recruitment |
Responsible Group
v. Initiative 5: Create and analyze a method to evaluate athletics |
Responsible Group
AD & SL |
vi. Initiative 6: Create and analyze a method to evaluate farm operations |
Responsible Group
AD & Farm Manager (FM) |
V. Primary Goal 5: Decrease Our Carbon Footprint by 20%
a. Secondary Goal 1: Estimate our current carbon footprint |
Responsible Group
Facilities |
b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase recycling efforts |
Responsible Group
Facilities |
i. Initiative 1: Explore partnerships with local businesses to create a larger supply to increase recycling options through recycling vendors |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |
ii. Initiative 2: Increase collection bins on campus |
Responsible Group
Facilities |
c. Secondary Goal 3: Explore alternative energy sources |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |
d. Secondary Goal 4: Create programing to increase education about environmental issue |
Responsible Group
AA |
i. Initiative 1: Explore creating annual campaigns to focus on a specific environmental issue to focus activities in and out of courses |
Responsible Group
SL & AA |
e. Secondary Goal 5: Continue partnering with CommuniTree (or similar organizations) to plant more trees on campus |
Responsible Group
AA & Facilities |
f. Secondary Goal 6: Increase filtered water stations throughout campus to decrease bottled water use |
Responsible Group
Facilities |
VI. Primary Goal 6: Address Infrastructure Needs |
a. Secondary Goal 1: Update Buildings |
i. Initiative 1: Conduct an analysis of all PSC buildings & facilities |
Responsible Group
AA, AD, F&O & Facilities |
ii. Initiative 2: Use the building analysis to create a plan to address building updates |
1. Replace stage and renovate green room at Church McKee |
Responsible Group F&O & Facilities |
2. Expand nursing facility space |
Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities |
3. Renovate Science Building |
Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities |
4. Renovate & repurpose Davis Hall |
Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities |
5. Renovate Lough Gymnasium |
Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities |
6. Renovate Upper Shop on Gustafson Farm |
Responsible Group
FM, F&O & Facilities |
iii. Initiative 3: Use facility analysis to create a plan to address facility needs |
Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities |
1. Enhance weight room |
Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities |
2. Add press boxes at Stayman Field and Golden Park |
Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities |
3. Replace turf |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |
4. Create spaces/facilities for new sports |
Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities |
5. Enhance streaming capabilities of athletic facilities |
Responsible Group IT, AD, F&O & Facilities |
6. Install internet capabilities to the Gustafson & Malone Farms |
Responsible Group
IT & FM |
7. Install internet capabilities to the horse barn/riding arena |
Responsible Group IT & FM |
8. Enhance SAGE Innovation Lab |
iv. Initiative 4: Prioritize and implement the plan to update buildings |
Responsible Group F&O & Facilities |
v. Initiative 5: Increase and enhance common areas for students |
1. Renovate Student Union |
Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities |
2. Promote and enhance Rec Center |
Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities |
3. Rethink/utilize residence hall lounge spaces |
Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities |
4. Add locker room with restroom & showers on Gustafson Farm |
Responsible Group
FM, F&O & Facilities |
5. Add and enhance outdoor opportunities for students |
Responsible Group
SL, FM, F&O & Facilities |
b. Secondary Goal 2: Update and expand IT systems |
i. Initiative 1: Conduct an analysis of IT needs |
Responsible Group
IT |
ii. Initiative 2: Use the IT analysis to create a plan to address IT needs |
Responsible Group
IT |
iii. Initiative 3: Prioritize and implement the plan address IT needs |
Responsible Group
IT, F&O & Facilities |
c. Secondary Goal 3: More efficiently utilize space owned by PSC |
i. Initiative 1: Conduct a space usage analysis |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |
ii. Initiative 2: Use the space usage analysis create a plan to improve space usage |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |
iii. Initiative 3: Prioritize and implement the plan address IT needs |
Responsible Group
Facilities |
iv. Initiative 4: Increase revenue-generating spaces 1. Increase SAGE Innovation lab utilization |
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities |