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Strategic Plan WVU Potomac State College, 2022-2027

    I. Primary Goal 1: Increase enrollment by 30%  

a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase new students by 20%


1. Continue to engage with students at feeder high schools in primary and secondary recruitment areas

Responsible Group
Enrollment Services (ES)

2. Enhance social media presence and marketing

Responsible Group 
University Relations (UR)

3. Increase international student enrollment

Responsible Group

4. Reach out to all WV high school seniors taking SAT

Responsible Group

5. Promote and enhance Honors Program

Responsible Group
ES and Honors Coordinator

6. Identify & target specific populations
(i.e. Veterans, non-traditional)         

Responsible Group

7. Increase student-athlete 

Responsible Group
Athletic Director (AD) & ES

8. Explore the addition of new athletic programs

Responsible Group
AD and Finance & Operations (F&O)

b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase retention by 15%

i. Initiative 1: Increase student engagement

1. Provide at least 1 activity for students per day throughout the week

Responsible Group

Student Life (SL)

2. Provide 3 activities for faculty-student interaction per month

Responsible Group


3. Promote student organizations

Responsible Group

SL & Marketing

4. Provide training of faculty on best practices to engage students

Responsible Group


5. Create/Enhance learning communities in residence halls

Responsible Group

ACS, AA and SL

6. Create learning communities for commuters

Responsible Group

ACS, AA and SL

7. Create/Enhance Summer Bridge Program

Responsible Group


8. Create focus groups to identify strengths and weaknesses

Responsible Group


9. Explore peer mentor programs

Responsible Group


ii. Initiative 2: Identify and support at-risk students

1. Create proactive and reactive strategies for all at-risk students

Responsible Group

All Units

2. Academically at-risk students

a. Utilize Early Alerts

Responsible Group

Faculty & Success Center

b. Enhance efforts to support students who receive early alerts         

Responsible Group


c. Add dedicated professional advisor

Responsible Group


d. Enhance Academic success center interventions

Responsible Group


e. Enhance & Promote Writing and Math Center activities

Responsible Group


f. Create programming for first-generation students

Responsible Group


g. Enhance support for students on probation

Responsible Group


3. Behavioral at-risk students

a. Enhance BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team)

Responsible Group


b. Enhance mental health support of students

Responsible Group


c. Host activities for students, faculty and staff related to mental health

Responsible Group

Counseling, AA and SL

d. Create programming to help prevent anxiety and stress

Responsible Group


e. Train and enlist RAs to identify and assist students with mental health problems

Responsible Group
Counseling and SL

4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at-risk students

a. Promote multicultural room availability

Responsible Group

b. Increase services and activities for diverse students

Responsible Group

c. Increase programing to educate faculty, staff and students about issues concerning various races, ethnicities and cultures

Responsible Group

d. Enhance training for faculty and staff regarding best practices for engaging and supporting a diverse student population

Responsible Group

5. Financially at-risk students

a. Enhance and increase resources including need-based aid for our students, especially non-residents

Responsible Group

b. Promote available resources so students are aware of them

Responsible Group

6. Create focus groups for all at-risk student populations

Responsible Group
SL & AA 

iii.  Initiative 3: Enhance student support services

1. Increase professional advisors

Responsible Group

2. Enhance training of faculty advisors

Responsible Group

3. Create assessment measure for advising

Responsible Group
Academic Standards

4. Increase/Enhance career services for students

Responsible Group

5. Enhance support of online students

Responsible Group
AA and ACS

6. Enhance support of student-athletes

Responsible Group
AD, AA and ACS

iv. Initiative 4: Enhance support for undecided general studies majors

1. Create general studies major-only WVUe sections to focus more on career exploration

Responsible Group

2. Professional advisor dedicated to general studies majors

Responsible Group

3. Explore meta-majors as an alternative to general studies

Responsible Group

4. Create programming for undecided majors

Responsible Group

     II. Primary Goal 2: 70% of graduates will be able
         to demonstrate effective soft skills 

a. Secondary Goal 1: Create an effective assessment measure for soft skills

Responsible Group

b. Secondary Goal 2: 70% of graduates will demonstrate effective communication skills

Responsible Group

c. Secondary Goal 3: 70% of graduates will demonstrate effective critical thinking skills

Responsible Group

d. Secondary Goal 4: 70% of graduates will demonstrate respect & integrity

Responsible Group

e. Secondary Goal 5: 70% of graduates will demonstrate resiliency  

Responsible Group

f. Secondary Goal 6: 70% of graduates will demonstrate global

Responsible Group

     III. Primary Goal 3: Create a supportive
          and welcoming campus environment

a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase sense of community for students

i. initiative 1: Increase student engagement as outlined in primary goal 1

ii. Initiative 2: Enhance Welcome Week activities

1. Survey students about what would have been helpful and fun

Responsible Group

iii. Initiative 3: Increase/enhance recreation activities

Responsible Group

b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase sense of community for faculty

i. Initiative 1: Add common areas for faculty

Responsible Group
AA & Facilities

ii. Initiative 2: Enhance transparency

Responsible Group

a. Enhance communication between faculty and administration

Responsible Group

AA & Faculty

iii. Initiative 3: Create mentorship program for new faculty

Responsible Group

iv. Initiative 4: Create opportunities for faculty to share successes and discuss/problem-solve concerns

c. Secondary Goal 3: Increase sense of community for staff

i. Initiative 1. Create mentorship program for new staff

Responsible Group

d. Secondary Goal 4: Create social activities for students, faculty and staff

Responsible Group
SL, AA and F&O

i. Initiative 1: Explore coffee shop/grab and go in student union

Responsible Group

e. Secondary Goal 5: Increase community connections & partnerships

Responsible Group
All Units

i. Initiative 1: Increase internship opportunities by 20%

Responsible Group
Career Services

ii. Initiative 2: Create a work group to develop 5 community initiatives

Responsible Group
All Units

iii. Initiative 3: Identify community academic & programming needs

Responsible Group

     IV. Primary Goal 4: Increase Fiscal Stability by 50%

a. Secondary Goal 1: Increase enrollment as outlined in primary goal 1

b. Secondary Goal 2: Focus resources/marketing based on data regarding student interest and workforce demand

Responsible Group

c. Secondary Goal 3: Increase employee retention by 20%

Responsible Group
All Units

i. Initiative 1: Increase all salaries to a market competitive rate of 90-110% compa ratio

Responsible Group
Leadership and F&O

d. Secondary Goal 4: Increase non-tuition revenue by 40%

Responsible Group

i. Initiative 1: Explore market interest to lease/purchase unused, underutilized, or cost-prohibitive assets
Responsible Group

ii. Initiative 2: Increase foundation contributions by 20%

Responsible Group

iii. Initiative 3: Utilize PSC athletic facilities during off-season to generate revenue

Responsible Group
F&O and Marketing

iv. Initiative 4: Increase grant funding by 20%

v. Initiative 5: Transform assets into recreational areas and revenue generating activities

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

e. Secondary Goal 5: Assess and enhance efficiency of all units

Responsible Group
F&O and AC in all

i. Initiative 1: Create and analyze a method to evaluate program viability

Responsible Group

ii. Initiative 2: Create and analyze a method to evaluate student life activities

Responsible Group

iii. Initiative 3: Create and analyze a method to evaluate marketing

Responsible Group
Marketing & WVU URES

iv. Initiative 4: Create and analyze a method to evaluate recruitment

Responsible Group

v. Initiative 5: Create and analyze a method to evaluate athletics

Responsible Group

vi. Initiative 6: Create and analyze a method to evaluate farm operations

Responsible Group
AD & Farm Manager (FM)

     V. Primary Goal 5: Decrease Our Carbon Footprint by 20%
         and welcoming campus environment

a. Secondary Goal 1: Estimate our current carbon footprint

Responsible Group

b. Secondary Goal 2: Increase recycling efforts

Responsible Group

i. Initiative 1: Explore partnerships with local businesses to create a larger supply to increase recycling options through recycling vendors         
Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

ii. Initiative 2: Increase collection bins on campus

Responsible Group

c. Secondary Goal 3: Explore alternative energy sources

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities    

d. Secondary Goal 4: Create programing to increase education about environmental issue

Responsible Group

i. Initiative 1: Explore creating annual campaigns to focus on a specific environmental issue to focus activities in and out of courses

Responsible Group
SL & AA 

e. Secondary Goal 5: Continue partnering with CommuniTree (or similar organizations) to plant more trees on campus

Responsible Group
AA & Facilities

f. Secondary Goal 6: Increase filtered water stations throughout campus to decrease bottled water use

Responsible Group

    VI. Primary Goal 6: Address Infrastructure Needs  

a. Secondary Goal 1: Update Buildings

i. Initiative 1: Conduct an analysis of all PSC buildings & facilities

Responsible Group
AA, AD, F&O & Facilities

ii. Initiative 2: Use the building analysis to create a plan to address building updates

1. Replace stage and renovate green room at Church McKee

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

2. Expand nursing facility space

Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities

3. Renovate Science Building

Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities

4. Renovate & repurpose Davis Hall

Responsible Group
AA, F&O & Facilities

5. Renovate Lough Gymnasium

Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities

6. Renovate Upper Shop on Gustafson Farm

Responsible Group
FM, F&O & Facilities

iii. Initiative 3: Use facility analysis to create a plan to address facility needs

Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities

1. Enhance weight room

Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities

2. Add press boxes at Stayman Field and Golden Park

Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities

3. Replace turf

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

4. Create spaces/facilities for new sports

Responsible Group
AD, F&O & Facilities

5. Enhance streaming capabilities of athletic facilities

Responsible Group
IT, AD, F&O & Facilities

6. Install internet capabilities to the Gustafson & Malone Farms

Responsible Group

7. Install internet capabilities to the horse barn/riding arena

Responsible Group

8. Enhance SAGE Innovation Lab

iv. Initiative 4: Prioritize and implement the plan to update buildings

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

v. Initiative 5: Increase and enhance common areas for students

1. Renovate Student Union

Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities

2. Promote and enhance Rec Center

Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities

3. Rethink/utilize residence hall lounge spaces

Responsible Group
SL, F&O & Facilities

4. Add locker room with restroom & showers on Gustafson Farm

Responsible Group
FM, F&O & Facilities

5. Add and enhance outdoor opportunities for students

Responsible Group
SL, FM, F&O & Facilities

b. Secondary Goal 2: Update and expand IT systems

i. Initiative 1: Conduct an analysis of IT needs

Responsible Group

ii. Initiative 2: Use the IT analysis to create a plan to address IT needs

Responsible Group

iii. Initiative 3: Prioritize and implement the plan address IT needs

Responsible Group
IT, F&O & Facilities

c. Secondary Goal 3: More efficiently utilize space owned by PSC

i. Initiative 1: Conduct a space usage analysis

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

ii. Initiative 2: Use the space usage analysis create a plan to improve space usage

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities

iii. Initiative 3: Prioritize and implement the plan address IT needs

Responsible Group

iv. Initiative 4: Increase revenue-generating spaces

1. Increase SAGE Innovation lab utilization

Responsible Group
F&O & Facilities